Tithe Here? I Hardly Know Here

Let’s talk about tithes. I’m not going to post specific Bible verses to reference what tithes actually mean, because there are so many. Instead, I would encourage you to download the YouVersion Bible app, and do a search for “tithe” to see all of the verses that talk about it. But basically, it was a matter of you yourself partaking in 1/10th of whatever you had on your farm, whether it was plants or livestock or both. That a tithe meant you would take that 1/10th and go to a certain place and partake of it while communing with The Lord. And, if you couldn’t carry everything, you would sell it, and use the money to purchase whatever your heart desires.

Nowhere does it say that a tithe is giving 10% of your pre-taxed income to your congregation. Yet, most congregations will do their best to guilt you into doing so, especially if you’re a member. Many will even use Malachi 3:8:10, and say you’re robbing God if you don’t give 10% of your pre-taxed income to your congregation.

I stopped tithing to my most previous congregation quite a while before I left. The Rabbi watched me become homeless and told me I deserved it. And then two years later, asked me why I wasn’t tithing there anymore.

A lot of congregational leaders, at least in the Messianic movement, will treat people based on how much they tithe.

And none of this is Biblical.

I think you should share what you have. Absolutely. But you should be praying about where to give your offerings, and be releasing that money only where God wants you to do so.

You should also not be giving out of guilt and obligation, like most congregations make you feel.

The church I’m in now is the first time I’ve ever been in a congregation that I’ve never once heard ask for tithes. Probably because they know the common definition of tithes is not Biblically accurate.

Now I will say, it’s good to remember that your congregational leaders only get paid when money is given to the congregation. That’s how they pay their bills and take care of their families. If you are committed to your congregation, and you are where God wants you, you should absolutely be praying about how much to give to support your leaders.

But, again, we don’t do this out of guilt or obligation, but out of gladness to be able to bless others. After all, 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”